Interface From<Z,X>

Type Parameters:
Z - the source type
X - the target type
All Superinterfaces:
Expression<X>, FetchParent<Z,X>, Path<X>, Selection<X>, TupleElement<X>
All Known Subinterfaces:
CollectionJoin<Z,E>, Join<Z,X>, ListJoin<Z,E>, MapJoin<Z,K,V>, PluralJoin<Z,C,E>, Root<X>, SetJoin<Z,E>

public interface From<Z,X> extends Path<X>, FetchParent<Z,X>
Represents a bound type, usually an entity that appears in the from clause, but may also be an embeddable belonging to an entity in the from clause.

Serves as a factory for Joins of associations, embeddables, and collections belonging to the type, and for Paths of attributes belonging to the type.
