
Class ProcessingException

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public class ProcessingException extends RuntimeException
A base JAX-RS runtime processing exception. The exception of this type is thrown during HTTP request or response processing, to signal a runtime processing failure. Typical classes of failures covered by ProcessingException include
  • failures in filter or interceptor chain execution,
  • errors caused by missing message body readers or writers for the particular Java type and media type combinations,
  • propagated IO exceptions thrown by entity readers and writers during entity serialization and de-serialization.
as well as any other JAX-RS runtime processing errors. The exception message or nested Throwable cause SHOULD contain additional information about the reason of the processing failure.

Note that the exception is used to indicate (internal) JAX-RS processing errors. It is not used to indicate HTTP error response states. A HTTP error response is represented by a WebApplicationException class or one of it's sub-classes.

See Also: