Annotation Interface ResourceDependency

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) @Inherited @Repeatable(ResourceDependencies.class) public @interface ResourceDependency

Instances of UIComponent or Renderer that have this annotation (or ResourceDependencies attached at the class level will automatically have a resource dependency added so that the named resource will be present in user agent's view of the UIViewRoot in which this component or renderer is used.

The default implementation must support attaching this annotation to UIComponent or Renderer classes. In both cases, the event that precipitates the processing of this annotation is the insertion of a UIComponent instance into the view hierarchy on an initial request for a view. When that event happens, the following action must be taken.

  1. If this annotation is not present on the class in question, no action must be taken.

  2. Create a UIOutput instance by passing jakarta.faces.Output. to Application.createComponent(java.lang.String).

  3. Get the annotation instance from the class and obtain the values of the name, library, and target attributes.

  4. If library is the empty string, let library be null.

  5. If target is the empty string, let target be null.

  6. Obtain the renderer-type for the resource name by passing name to ResourceHandler.getRendererTypeForResourceName(java.lang.String).

  7. Call setRendererType on the UIOutput instance, passing the renderer-type.

  8. Obtain the Map of attributes from the UIOutput component by calling UIComponent.getAttributes().

  9. Store the name into the attributes Map under the key "name".

  10. If library is non-null, store it under the key "library".

  11. If target is non-null, store it under the key "target".

  12. Otherwise, if target is null, call UIViewRoot.addComponentResource(jakarta.faces.context.FacesContext, jakarta.faces.component.UIComponent), passing the UIOutput instance as the second argument.


  @ResourceDependency(library="corporate", name="colorAndMedia.css"),
