Class ELFlash

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ELFlash extends Flash

How this implementation works

This class is an application singleton. It has one ivar, innerMap. Entries are added to and removed from this map as needed according to how the flash scope is defined in the spec. This implementation never touches the session, nor does it cause the session to be created.

Most of the hairy logic is encapsulated with in the inner class PreviousNextFlashInfoManager. An instance of this class is obtained by calling one of the variants of getCurrentFlashManager(). When the instance is no longer needed for this request, call releaseCurrentFlashManager().

Two very important methods are getPhaseMapForWriting() and getPhaseMapForReading(). These methods are the basis for the Map implementation methods. Methods that need to write to the map use getPhaseMapForWriting(), those that need to read use getPhaseMapForReading(). These methods allow for the laziness that allows us to only incur a cost when the flash is actually written to.

The operation of this class is intimately tied to the request processing lifecycle. Let's break down every run thru the request processing lifecycle into two parts called "previous" and "next". We use the names "previous" and "next" to indicate the persistence and timing of the data that is stored in the flash. Consider two runs through the requset processing lifecle: N and N+1. On request N, there is no "previous" request. On Request N, any writes to the flash that happen during RENDER RESPONSE go to the "next" flash map. This means they are available for the ENTIRE run though the request processing lifecycle on request N+1. Any entries put into the "next" flash map on request N will be expired at the end of request N+1. Now, when we get into request N+1 what was considered "next" on request N, is now called "previous" from the perspective of request N+1. Any reads from the flash during request N+1 come from the "previous" map. Any writes to the flash before RENDER RESPONSE go to the "previous" map. Any writes to the flash during RENDER RESPNOSE go to the "next" map.